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Architecture and Roles

The VSaaS service connects Cloud VMS to an authentication service, user management (authorization) back-end, and Web & Mobile front-ends. It uses Firebase for authentication and a simple PHP + Postgresql backend for authorization (linking users to cameras).

This is the fastest and easiest path to a complete, customized cloud VSaaS, fully under your brand, control, and ownership. The VSaaS service is a template that provides everything you need to build a custom-branded, world-class VSaaS product.

The Web front-end and Mobile apps come fully white-label with full source code.


There are 3 roles: Admin, User, and Subuser. The roles and hierarchy can be changed to meet customer requirements.


There can be several Admins. The Admins can add/remove users and assign subscriptions to users.


User is the main role. Users can add/remove cameras, and perform all operations with cameras and data. Users can also add/remove Subusers and give Subusers access to selected cameras.


Subusers can see videos from a set of cameras.

Roles diagram


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