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How to Create a Custom Event

We provide two ways of creating new custom events.

1. Using API requests

It is possible to add new custom types of events using POST/cameras/{CAMID}/event_processing/events/ request.

For example:

curl -X POST "" 
     -H "accept: application/json" 
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -H "Authorization: Acc ACCESS_TOKEN" -d "{ \"name\": \"custom_event\", \"notify\": true}"

The response contains capabilities of the new event type:

  "caps": {
    "can_be_triggered": false,
    "can_record": false,
    "can_snapshot": false,
    "is_periodic": false
  "custom": true,
  "name": "custom_event",
  "notify": true,
  "receive": false

2. Using our API Python samples

  • Get camera’s access token. (located in integrations page of Cloud One)

  • From the directory containing the python samples, call to create a custom event.

    python3 ./ -a dfasdfasdfasrwecsdcsdf= -e test

    Where -a is the camera’s access token and -e is the name of the new event being created.

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