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Log levels in Mobile SDKs

Different logging levels can be selected in each VXG Mobile SDK module to see more or less information in logs. It is important to remember that a high log level can slow down the app’s performance.


Player SDK

List of possible options:

  • LogLevel.COMPILED - default
    Description: log level with which SDK is assembled (LogLevel.ERROR)
    Value: -1
    Impact level: low

  • LogLevel.NONE
    Description: completely disable the log
    Value: 0
    Impact level: none

  • LogLevel.ERROR
    Description: only errors are displayed
    Value: 1
    Impact level: low

  • LogLevel.INFO
    Description: used for debugging, entry level
    Value: 3
    Impact level: high

  • LogLevel.DEBUG
    Description: used for debugging, medium level
    Value: 4
    Impact level: high

  • LogLevel.LOG
    Description: used for debugging, medium level
    Value: 5
    Impact level: heavy

  • LogLevel.TRACE
    Description: used for debugging, complete level
    Value: 7
    Impact level: very heavy

Encoder SDK

List of possible options:

  • Log.VERBOSE - default
    Description: a lot of useful information
    Value: 2
    Impact level: low

Cloud SDK

List of possible options:

  • Log.VERBOSE - default
    Description: a lot of useful information
    Value: 2
    Impact level: low

  • Log.DEBUG
    Description: used for debugging, entry level
    Value: 3
    Impact level: medium

  • Log.INFO
    Description: used for debugging, medium level
    Value: 4
    Impact level: medium

  • Log.WARN
    Description: used for debugging and alerts, medium level
    Value: 5
    Impact level: medium

  • Log.ERROR
    Description: used for debugging, alerts and errors, medium level
    Value: 6
    Impact level: medium

  • Log.ASSERT
    Description: used for debugging, alerts, errors and asserts, high level
    Value: 7
    Impact level: medium


Player SDK

List of possible options:

    Description: completely disable the log
    Value: 0
    Impact level: none

  • MP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR - default
    Description: only errors are displayed
    Value: 1
    Impact level: low

    Description: potentially important information is displayed
    Value: 2
    Impact level: low

    Description: used for debugging, entry level
    Value: 3
    Impact level: high

    Description: used for debugging, medium level
    Value: 4
    Impact level: high

    Description: used for debugging, medium level
    Value: 5
    Impact level: heavy

    Description: not used
    Value: 6
    Impact level: very heavy

    Description: used for debugging, complete level
    Value: 7
    Impact level: very heavy

    Description: not used
    Value: 9
    Impact level: very heavy

    Description: not used
    Value: 10
    Impact level: very heavy

Encoder SDK

List of possible options:

  • LL_PANIC - default
    Description: only trial errors are displayed
    Value: 0
    Impact level: none

    Description: not used
    Value: 1
    Impact level: none

    Description: only errors are displayed
    Value: 2
    Impact level: low

    Description: potentially important information is displayed
    Value: 3
    Impact level: low

    Description: used for debugging, entry level
    Value: 4
    Impact level: low

    Description: used for debugging, medium level Value: 5
    Impact level: medium

    Description: not used
    Value: 6
    Impact level: medium

    Description: used for debugging, complete level
    Value: 7
    Impact level: heavy

  • LL_ALL
    Description: not used
    Value: 8
    Impact level: heavy

    Description: not used
    Value: -1
    Impact level: heavy

Cloud SDK

List of possible options:

    Description: completely disable the log
    Value: 0
    Impact level: none

  • CSDK_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR - default
    Description: only errors are displayed
    Value: 1
    Impact level: low

    Description: potentially important information is displayed
    Value: 2
    Impact level: low

    Description: used for debugging, entry level
    Value: 3
    Impact level: high

    Description: used for debugging, medium level
    Value: 4
    Impact level: high

    Description: used for debugging, medium level
    Value: 5
    Impact level: heavy

    Description: not used
    Value: 6
    Impact level: very heavy

    Description: used for debugging, complete level
    Value: 7
    Impact level: very heavy

    Description: not used
    Value: 9
    Impact level: very heavy

    Description: not used
    Value: 10
    Impact level: very heavy

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