Monitoring page
Creating a Display
Go to Sites.

Drag and drop sites or individual cameras into the right panel.

Choose a layout using the Layout button.
Adjust camera positions by dragging each camera window.
Save the layout by clicking "Create Display".
The display will be stored in the "Displays" section for future use.

Single Camera Mode
Live Preview
Double-click on a selected camera to switch to single camera mode.
This will grant access to the camera control UI.

Live View Controls
PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) – Available if the camera supports it.
Microphone – Enables backward audio (if supported by the camera).
Streaming Format Options – HLS/DASH, WebRTC, JPEG polling.
Digital Zoom
Dewarping – For fisheye cameras.
Audio Volume Control

Recorded Video
Switching Between Live and Recorded Video
Use the "Live/Recorded" switch above the video window.

Recorded Video Playback Controls
Timeline – Adjustable scale, scrollable, and draggable.
Motion Marks – Shows detected motion events with snapshots.
Calendar – Select playback date/time.
Digital Zoom
Dewarping – For fisheye cameras.
Playback Speed – Ranges from 0.125x to 16x.
Audio Volume Control

Scaling the Timeline
Scroll the mouse wheel over the left side of the timeline to adjust the scale.

Scrubbing (Fast Scrolling Through Records)
Scroll the mouse wheel over the right side of the timeline to scroll through recorded video.
Images will be displayed (time-lapse effect), and when stopped, video chunks will load for playback.
For better performance, increase the timeline detail level before scrubbing.

Dragging (Frame-by-Frame Playback)
Click and drag the timeline left or right to play video frame-by-frame.
It is recommended to increase timeline scale before dragging.

Motion Marks on the Timeline
The timeline highlights motion detection events.
Hover over a motion mark to preview snapshots.

Upper Menu Options

Take a snapshot.
Extract a clip and store it in the Archive (Recorded mode only).
Create a time-lapse.
Switch to full-screen mode.
Toggle between live and recorded video.
Multi-Camera Mode
Select a display to view cameras in a previously saved layout.

Double-click any camera to enter single camera mode.
Click the "<" button to return to multi-camera mode.

Recorded Mode in Multi-Camera View
Scaling – Change timeline scale using the mouse wheel over the left side of the timeline.
Scrubbing – Scroll through recordings using the mouse wheel over the right side of the timeline.
Dragging – Click and drag the timeline left or right to play video frame-by-frame.