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System Overview

The system is fully multi-tenant, structured into three main levels:

  1. Owner

  2. Dealer

  3. Customer

Roles & Responsibilities


  • The Owner creates and manages Dealers.


  • Dealers create and manage their own Customers.

  • Each Dealer has an independent list of Customers.


  • Customers are the end users of the service.

  • Each Customer manages their own independent list of cameras.


User Interface Based on Roles

  • The system adapts based on the user's role.

  • Depending on whether you log in as an Owner, Dealer, or Customer, you will see different screens and functionalities.


1. Admin (Owner Level)

  • Manages Dealers and other Admins.

  • Assigns plans to Dealers.


2. Partner (Dealer Level)

  • Manages Customers and other Partners.

  • Assigns plans from their allocated pool to Customers.


3. Operator (Customer Level)

  • Manages, views, and controls camera settings.

  • Manages alerts, sites and users.


4. Auditor (Customer Level)

  • Views camera streams.

  • Monitors alerts from assigned cameras.


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