How to Work with Channel Groups
A group of channels can be associated with a group access token. The group access token can be used for
Enumerating channels and get access to each channel individually.
Performing operations on a group of channels.
In all examples below, GROUP_ACCESS_TOKEN
should be replaced with an actual group access token received from your integrator or using API.
Enumerating channels and getting access to each channel individually
Returning a list of channels
curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: SI GROUP_ACCESS_TOKEN
Example of a response:
"meta": {
"limit": 20,
"next": null,
"offset": 0,
"previous": null,
"total_count": 2
"objects": [
"id": 237832,
"name": "driveway",
"recording": false,
"status": "inactive",
"token": "eyJjYW1pZCI6IDIzNzgzMiwgImNtbmdyaWQiOiAyMzgyNjgsICJhY2Nlc3MiOiAiYWxsIiwgInRva2VuIjogInNoYXJlLmV5SnphU0k2SURJeE1qSTJNMzAuNjBjMTM1MDZ0YmMxZmFiMDAuNkxSbWdmcjYtV3M3b1RkQUhGdGVvcVVHQ21JIiwgImFwaSI6ICJ3ZWIuc2t5dnIudmlkZW9leHBlcnRzZ3JvdXAuY29tIiwgImNhbSI6ICJjYW0uc2t5dnIudmlkZW9leHBlcnRzZ3JvdXAuY29tIn0="
"id": 237833,
"name": "room",
"recording": false,
"status": "inactive",
"token": "eyJjYW1pZCI6IDIzNzgzMywgImNtbmdyaWQiOiAyMzgyNjksICJhY2Nlc3MiOiAiYWxsIiwgInRva2VuIjogInNoYXJlLmV5SnphU0k2SURJeE1qSTJObjAuNjBjMTM4N2R0YmMxZmFiMDAuemVPRXRTSnZ1ZjVaTDRPZkkyWGVQdmpJSjA4IiwgImFwaSI6ICJ3ZWIuc2t5dnIudmlkZW9leHBlcnRzZ3JvdXAuY29tIiwgImNhbSI6ICJjYW0uc2t5dnIudmlkZW9leHBlcnRzZ3JvdXAuY29tIn0="
Here token
is an access token of an individual channel. This token can be used for retrieving live and recorded video, generating images and clips. See How to Get Video, Clips and Images for more details.
For returning information about one selected channel from the group, the following function can be used:
curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: SI GROUP_ACCESS_TOKEN
Here 236716
is the id
of the channel.
Performing operations on a group of channels
The following operations can be performed on a group of channels:
Creating clips.
Extracting images.
Retrieving recorded video.
The syntax is similar to corresponding operations on individual channels. For example, creating clips for a group of channels:
curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: SI GROUP_ACCESS_TOKEN