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Remote AXIS Uplink Upgrade

Instructions on how to remotely upgrade an Axis camera’s Uplink App through the Web UI via an Uplink connection.

  1. Access camera’s UI via Cloud-VMS interface.

  2. Navigate to the Apps section in the Axis settings and select Add app.

    Screenshot from 2025-02-20 16-00-22.png

  3. Choose the new version of the Uplink application to install.

    Screenshot from 2025-02-20 16-03-34.png

  4. In order for the application to update, the Uplink connection will have to restart. The UI will display an error and will be inaccessible for sometime. Wait for the UI to become accessible again, then return to the Apps section to review the app version.

    Screenshot from 2025-02-20 16-04-43.png
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