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Camera to Cloud

This requires Uplink plug-in or application running on a camera. It connects the camera directly to the Cloud VMS. See more information about How Uplink works

VXG partners with major camera manufacturers and has developed camera firmware plug-ins that are installed directly on cameras. This makes a connection between a camera and the cloud plug-and-play and it doesn’t need any additional hardware on-premise.

Pre-built plug-ins

VXG has pre-built plug-ins for major camera brands, for more information please check Compatible IP cameras.

Installation of the plug-in

The plug-in can be installed in the camera’s Web UI as in the picture below

Adding to the account

Use the VMS Web UI to add the camera:


The following information is required:

  1. Camera serial number (can be found on a sticker or in the camera Web UI).

  2. Camera MAC address (can be found on a sticker or in the camera Web UI).

  3. Camera username.

  4. Camera password.

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