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Hanwha (Wisenet) camera Uplink plugin

Initial camera setup

  1. When you have connected a new camera to your router, you need to open its web interface - just type in the local IP address of your new camera in a web browser - you can find this local IP address (usually in format 192.168.x.x) in your router among other connected devices.


  2. When you have just opened the camera’s web interface, you need to activate it first by setting up a password. Please make to use only supported special characters -


  3. In the camera interface navigate to Setup > Basic > Video profile and make sure that there is at least one H.264 profile and that it has Type “Default”


  4. Select this profile and configure its parameters on the page below. The recommended parameters are:

    1. Resolution: 1920x1080 or higher, depending on your use case

    2. Frame rate: 30 fps (can be lower depending on the use case)

    3. Maximum bitrate: 2048 Kbps

    4. Bitrate control: VBR

    5. GOV length: twice the frame rate

  5. Also, you need to make sure that the camera is using the accurate date & time. Navigate to Setup > Basic > Date & Time > System time setup and select Synchronize with NTP server

Plugin installation and cloud connection: WN7 platform

  1. Download the WN7 Hanwha Uplink Application package:

  2. In the camera interface navigate to Setup > System > Upgrade/Restart > Info and check the Open platform version on your camera.

  3. Navigate to Open Platform, upload and install the .cap application file corresponding to the Open Platform version of your camera (4.0.1, 4.0.2, or 5.0.0).

  4. Start the application, Enable auto start, and set High priority, then click Apply

  5. Click on the Go App button to access the application’s web page.


  6. Copy the Serial Number and MAC Address

  7. Go to your Cloud One web client and add a Uplink Camera. Make sure to check the Use Provisioning Server box and input the Serial Number and MAC Address of the camera.


Once the camera is added, it will become Online and start streaming in a few seconds.

Plugin installation and cloud connection: WN5 and S3L platforms

  1. Download the Hanwha Uplink Application for your Hanwha camera’s platform.

  2. Go to your VMS web UI and add a Uplink Camera.

    Make sure to check the Use Provisioning Server box and input the Serial Number and MAC Address of the camera.
    Use colons in the MAC Address (as seen in the screenshot)

  3. Open the web interface for your Hanwha camera and navigate to the Open Platform page.

  4. Upload and install the .cap application file.

  5. Once the application is installed, click on the Go App button to access the application’s web page.


  6. Click Start Application.

  7. Once the application has started enter the camera’s username and password then click Save.

  8. After the application stops, return to the camera’s Open Platform page and then click the Start button on the VXGUplinkApp.


  9. Enable auto start set High priority and click Apply.

Note that it is suggested to check that the camera’s default and record video profiles are set to valid video streams.

Now the application should be running and you can check the camera on your VMS Platform.


Known error codes and possible causes


Possible causes and resolutions



the package file name is wrong, it should be changed after downloading



the package file is for a wrong Hanwha platform, try with a file for a different platform (WN5, S3L, etc.)


“You have exceeded the maximum number of login attempts”

The username and password are wrong. Try to connect in a minute and change them on “Go App” page


The application is not running

Some camera firmware versions have issues with running applications and display a “Not running” status when the app is started. For example, QNO-6082R1 is not running apps with firmware versions 1.41.05 and 1.41.16. The firmware should be downgraded to 1.41.01


The camera is online but is not streaming or recording

Hanwha cameras have MJPEG as the first profile by default and depending on the camera’s initial configuration it can be picked up for live streaming or recording on the cloud. Try changing the streaming profile in the Streaming Settings in the Cloud One web client

In case of any technical problems, please download the camera logs and send them to VXG technical support.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.