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Axis Camera Uplink Plugin

Please refer to the main AXIS setup section for initial setup and connection.

IMPORTANT! Please check that your Uplink app is version 1.0.2 or higher

Remote firmware upgrade

Remote AXIS Firmware Upgrade

Remote application upgrade

Remote AXIS Uplink Upgrade


Please check the following if you have troubles with connecting your AXIS camera

Format of SN and MAC

Use colons in the MAC Address and capitalize all letters.


For some Axis cameras it is required to create an ONVIF user in-order for the camera to function properly on the VMS. For this case the ONVIF user’s info is required when adding the camera to the VMS.


The best option is to add your camera user to ONVIF users (use the same username and password for Web and ONVIF)

DNS Settings

The camera should have correct DNS settings to access VMS using its domain name. You can add a secondary DNS in the Network setting tab, for example

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.