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Axis Camera Uplink Plugin

  1. Download the correct plugin for your camera’s platform.

  2. Add uplink camera to VMS platform using camera information. (Serial number and MAC address)

    Screenshot from 2023-07-18 11-45-44.png

    Make sure to check the Use Provisioning Server box and input the Serial Number and MAC Address of the camera.
    Use colons in the MAC Address and capitalise all letters. (as seen in the screenshot)

  3. Navigate to Apps page in Axis camera’s user interface.

    Screenshot from 2024-04-04 09-04-33.png

  4. Click add and upload the correct VXGUplinkApp for your camera’s platform.

    Screenshot from 2024-04-04 09-04-46.png

    Screenshot from 2024-04-04 09-05-21.png

  5. Once installed, click on the application and configure the Camera login and Camera password parameters.

    Screenshot from 2024-04-04 09-06-11.png

    Do not fill in the Camera MAC and Camera serial fields. The application will fill these fields.

  6. Start the application

    Screenshot from 2024-04-04 09-06-28.png

    The camera should appear online on the VMS within 5 minutes.

For some Axis cameras it is required to create an ONVIF user in-order for the camera to function properly on the VMS. For this case the ONVIF user’s info is required when adding the camera to the VMS.


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